Configuring Cisco Access Routers and the NME-WAE Network Module for ACNS Deployments
show diag
Usage Guidelines Use this command to determine the type of hardware installed in your router, and to show detailed
hardware information and EEPROM version information.
This command displays information for the motherboard, WAN interface cards (WICs), voice interface
cards (VICs), high-speed WICs (HWICs), ATM interface cards (AICs), advanced integration modules
(AIMs), port adapters, shared port adapters (SPAs), modular services cards (MSCs), SPA interface
processors (SIPs), and network modules (NME).
Examples Table 5 describes the fields shown in the command output.
12.0(31)S This command was integrated into IOS Release 12.0(31)S and the
subslot slot/subslot keyword and arguments were added to support SIPs and
SPAs on the 12000 series router.
12.4(4)T This command was implemented for the HWIC-1ADSL and HWIC-1ADSLI
interface cards on the following platforms: 1800 (modular) series, 2800 series,
and 3800 series routers.
12.4(9)T This command was implemented for the NME-WAE-xxx-K9 and
NME-AON-K9= network modules on the following platforms: 2811, 2821,
2851, 3725, and 3745 routers.
12.2(33)SRA This command was integrated into IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.
Release Modification
Table 5 show diag subslot Field Descriptions
Field Description
Hardware Revision Revision number (signifying a minor revision) of the NME
Top Assy. Part Number Part number of the NME.
Product Identifier (PID) Product number of the NME.
Board Revision Revision number of the circuit board in the module.
Deviation Number Deviation number of the module.
Fab Version Fabrication version of the module.
PCB Serial Number Serial number of the printed circuit board.
Top Assy. Revision Revision number (signifying a minor revision) of the NME.
RMA Test History History of RMA testing.
RMA Number RMA number of the module.
RMA History History of RMA on this module.
Version Identifier Not applicable to this module.
CLEI Code Not applicable on this module. Common Language Equipment
Identification number.
Product (FRU) Number Product identification number.
EEPROM Format Version Version of EEPROM format.
EEPROM Contents Contents of EEPROM output.