Configuring Cisco Access Routers and the NME-WAE Network Module for ACNS Deployments
Setting Up Cisco WAE Network Modules and Opening a Session
Hardware Interfaces
The host router and network module use several interfaces for internal and external communication (see
Figure 2). Each interface is configurable by using a IOS-like CLI.
Figure 2 Router and Network Module Interface
The NME-WAE accepts traffic to be optimized on either its internal or external interface but not on both
interfaces. Configure either the module internal interface to the router (see callout 3 in Figure 2) or the
module external interface (see callout 4 in Figure 2) but not both interfaces.
When using the ACNS Content Distribution Manager GUI for an NME-WAE device, the internal
interface to the router is designated as slot 1, port 0 and the external network interface is designated as
slot 2, port 0, regardless of the physical slot in which the NME-WAE is installed.
Setting Up Cisco WAE Network Modules and Opening a Session
This section contains the following topics:
• Setting Up Network Module Interfaces, page 6
• Opening and Closing a Network Module Session, page 8
On This Hardware Interface... Configure These Settings...
Using This
Configuration Interface
1 Router interface to external link
(GigabitEthernet slot/0)
Standard router settings Router IOS
command-line interface
2 Router interface to module
(Integrated-Service-Engine slot/0)
Module IP address and default
gateway router
3 Module interface to router
(Integrated-Service-Engine slot/0)
All other module and ACNS
application settings
NME-WAE network
module command-line
4 Module interface to external link
(Integrated-Service-Engine slot/0)
All other module and ACNS
application settings
Router interface to module
Host Router (Top View)
Module interface to router
Network Module
Module interface to external link
Router interface to external link