Cisco NetFlow Collector User Guide
Chapter 2 Using the NetFlow Collector User Interface
Bit Field
The Bit Field key builder obtains a subset of bits from a field in a flow. It has the following attributes.
A Boolean key builder maps flow values to true, false,orundefined. The Boolean key builder has the
following attributes.
Byte Array
A Byte Array key builder outputs bytes from flow data in hexadecimal format. The Byte Array key
builder has the following attributes.
Attribute Description
Output name Column name in output; defaults to the field ID if
not specified.
Field ID of the field in a flow from which to extract bits.
Least significant bit Least significant bit of interest (starts at 0).
Number of bits Number of bits of interest.
Format Decimal or hexadecimal.
Allow null value If notselected, an error is logged if aflow doesnot
contain the indicated field.
Attribute Description
Output name Column name in output; defaults to the field ID if
not specified.
Field ID of the field in a flow containing the value of
Allow null value If notselected, an error is logged if aflow doesnot
contain the indicated field.
Attribute Description
Output name Column name in output.
Field ID of the field to obtain from a flow.
Offset Starting byte offset from the beginning of the field
in the flow. Set to zero if not specified.
Length Number of bytes of interest, from the offset to the
end of field data if not specified.
Allow null value If notselected, an error is logged if aflow doesnot
contain the indicated field.