
Cisco NetFlow Collector User Guide
Chapter 2 Using the NetFlow Collector User Interface
Integer Range Map
An Integer Range Map key builder obtains an integer from a flow and maps the value to a string. It has
the following attributes.
Mapping information appears in the Integer Ranges list. Each list item contains an integer value or range
and the label it maps to. Labels can appear more than once, but duplicate or overlapping values and
ranges are not allowed. Click on Add Range to add a new value or range.
Interface SNMP Name
The Interface SNMP Name key builder maps an interface index to an interface name obtained via
SNMP. It has the following attributes.
IP Address
An IP Address key builder obtains an IP address from a flow. It has the following attributes.
Attribute Description
Output name Column name in output; defaults to the field ID if
not specified.
Field ID of the field in a flow.
Allow null value If notselected, an error is logged if aflow doesnot
contain the indicated field.
Default label Mapping result if no match is found.
Attribute Description
Output name Column name in output.
Field ID of the field to obtain from a flow containing the
interface index.
Allow null value If notselected, an error is logged if aflow doesnot
contain the indicated field.
Attribute Description
Output name Column name in output; defaults to the field ID if
not specified.
Field ID of the field in a flow.
Format Standard notation, hostname (via aDNS look up),
or integer. Note: The integer format is obsolete
and should not be used. It is retained for
backwards compatibility.
Allow null value If notselected, an error is logged if aflow doesnot
contain the indicated field.