User Guide for Cisco Unified Operations Manager
Chapter 13 Generating Audio Phone and Video Phone Reports
Using Video Phones Reports
Step 3 Click View. The Inventory Analysis Report appears in another window. See Understanding Video Phone
Reports, page 13-38.
You might not be able to see the list of Cisco Unified Communications Managers or switches in the
popup window that appears when you click . This occurs when the PIFServer process is down.
Do the following:
• Check the status of PIFServer by using the command pdshow PIFServer from the command line.
• If PIFServer is down, use the Common Services start function. To do this:
1. From the Operations Manager home page, click CiscoWorks in the upper right-hand corner of
the window. The CiscoWorks home page opens.
2. Under Common Services, select Server > Admin > Processes. The Process Management page
appears, displaying process names in a table.
3. Locate the PIFserver process in the table, select the check box for it, and click Start.
Note Alternatively, you can bring PIFServer up using the command pdexec PIFServer from the
command line. Use this approach if, for example, the web server is down.
Switch pane
• Exclude check box—Deselected by default. Select to exclude phones that
are connected to any switch in the list box.
• List box—Enter a comma-separated list of switches, or select them as
1. Click . The Inventory Analysis Switch Selection dialog box
2. In the Switch Selector, expand groups and select switches.
3. Click OK. The dialog box closes and the Find Video Phones screen
displays your selection in the Switch list box.
SRST Router pane
• Exclude check box—Deselected by default. Select to exclude phones that
use any SRST router in the list box.
• List box—Enter a comma-separated list of routers, or select them as
1. Click . The Inventory Analysis Router Selection dialog box
2. In the Router Selector, expand groups and select routers.
3. Click OK. The dialog box closes and the Find Video Phones screen
displays your selection in the Router list box.
GUI Element Description/Action