FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
AAA Server Faults
LEAP server is
LEAP The fault threshold set for
the overloaded state has
been exceeded.
When this fault has been
cleared, the following
message displays: LEAP
server is OK.
Manage Fault
Settings > AAA >
LEAP > Response
Verify that the fault threshold is set
If the threshold is set correctly,
review your network to determine
the action necessary to clear the
fault condition.
PAC is either
invalid or expired.
Please reimport
new PAC file
EAP-FAST PAC file is either invalid or
This fault is not
generated based on
a threshold
Generate a new PAC file from the
EAP-FAST server you are trying to
monitor and make sure that the
expiry time is set properly when
generating the PAC file.
PEAP server is not
PEAP Can be caused by any of the
following reasons:
• PEAP monitoring is not
• WLSE IP Address is not
configured as a NAS on
the server.
• Shared secret key does
not match with the key
configured on the
• Server is unreachable.
• EAP-GTC is required
for reports and faults.
When this fault has been
cleared, the following
message displays: PEAP
server is available
Manage Fault
Settings > AAA >
PEAP > Response
Check the server configuration and
make sure that:
• PEAP monitoring is enabled
under Manage Fault Settings >
AAA> PEAP > Response
• WLSE IP address is
configured as NAS on the
authentication server.
• If both NICs in the WLSE are
assigned an IP, both should be
added as NAS in the PEAP
authentication server.
• Shared secret key matches the
key configured on the server.
• WLSE requires EAP-GTC for
PEAP monitoring, which is
used for PEAP-related reports
and faults. They will not work
with MS-CHAPV2.
PEAP server is
PEAP The fault threshold set for
the degraded state has been
When this fault has been
cleared, the following
message displays: PEAP
server is OK.
Manage Fault
Settings > AAA >
PEAP > Response
Verify that the fault threshold is set
If the threshold is set correctly,
review your network to determine
the action necessary to clear the
fault condition.
Table 2-6 AAA Server Faults (continued)
Fault Description Server Type Explanation Related Setting Recommended Action