FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
Switch Faults
Switch Faults
Table 2-7 Switch Faults
Fault Description Explanation Related Setting Recommended Action
CPU utilization is
Degraded (utilization %)
The fault threshold set for the
degraded state has been
When this fault has been
cleared, the following
message displays: CPU
utilization is Ok.
Manage Fault Settings >
Switch > CPU
Verify that the fault threshold is set
If the threshold is set correctly, review
your network to determine the action
necessary to clear the fault condition.
CPU utilization is
(utilization %)
The fault threshold set for the
overloaded state has been
When this fault has been
cleared, the following
message displays: CPU
utilization is Ok.
Manage Fault Settings >
Switch > CPU
Verify that the fault threshold is set
If the threshold is set correctly, review
your network to determine the action
necessary to clear the fault condition.
Device was not reachable
via SNMP
The SNMP Agent on the
switch is down.
When this fault has been
cleared, the following
message displays: Device
was reachable via SNMP.
Manage Fault Settings >
Switch > SNMP
Make sure that the switch SNMP agent
is active.
Module is down The module is down.
When this fault has been
cleared, the following
message displays: Module is
Manage Fault Settings >
Switch > Module Status
Check the module in the switch and
correct the problem.
Port could not agree with
other end on duplex mode
The port could not agree with
the far end on port duplex,
and is in disagree(3) mode.
When this fault has been
cleared, the following
message displays: Port
duplex state is OK.
Not applicable. Make sure the duplex mode on both
ends match.
Port is administratively
set to down
The port has been set to down
by the administrator.
When this fault is cleared, the
following message displays:
Port is UP.
Manage Fault Settings >
Switch > Port Status
Confirm that the switch port has been
deliberately shut down, and that it is not
down due to some other accidental