Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide—Release 8.7
Chapter 55 Configuring a VoIP Network
Configuring VoIP on a Switch
Trusted Boundary Configuration Guidelines
This section describes the guidelines for configuring the trusted boundary:
• Common Open Policy Service (COPS) considerations
COPS directly affects how the QoS parameters are applied. A port may have either a local policy or
a COPS policy. This setting specifies whether the port should get its QoS configuration information
from the local configuration or through a COPS server. If COPS is enabled on a port and is also
globally enabled, the policy that is specified by the COPS server applies. If COPS is disabled and/or
the run-time policy is local, the local configuration QoS policy applies. The extended trust boundary
feature overrides the “local” policy on a port.
• QoS configuration support
All the QoS port trust configuration settings are supported (trust-cos, trust-ipprec, trust-dscp), but
you should use trust-cos for the Cisco IP Phone networks.
• System log messaging
New QoS syslogs were added for the trusted boundary to notify you of the changes to a port’s trust state
and to warn of improper configuration. To see these syslogs, set the QoS logging level to 5 (set logging
level qos 5). The default is 3. Refer to the Catalyst 6500 Series System Message Guide for the
descriptions of the syslogs.
• Final run-time port trust value
The final run-time port trust on any port is dependent on the following:
Trusted boundary configuration
Phone’s presence on the port
QoS configuration
COPS configuration
To enable the trusted boundary, you must enable QoS and you must enable CDP globally and on the
port, running in version 2 mode. You must set COPS to local policy (the COPS default) or to disabled
(the COPS default). When ciscoipphone is configured as the trust-device on the port, the feature is
enabled and detects the presence of a Cisco IP Phone and sets the trust values.
See Figure 55-6 to determine the final trust value on a port.