Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide—Release 8.7
Chapter 55 Configuring a VoIP Network
Using SmartPorts
SmartPorts Enhancements in Software Release 8.4(1)
These sections describe the SmartPorts enhancements in software release 8.4(1):
• Ciscorouter SmartPorts Template, page 55-44
• Ciscoswitch SmartPorts Template, page 55-45
• Ciscodesktop SmartPorts Template, page 55-45
• Ciscoipphone SmartPorts Template, page 55-46
• Ciscosoftphone SmartPorts Template, page 55-46
• Global SmartPorts Template, page 55-47
Ciscorouter SmartPorts Template
The ciscorouter interface macro command results in the following configuration:
Note Specifying the nativevlan is required. Specifying the allowedvlans is optional.
set port macro mod/port ciscorouter nativevlan nativevlan allowedvlans vlans
set port enable mod/port
set vlan nativevlan mod/port
set port auxiliaryvlan mod/port auxvlan none
set port inlinepower mod/port auto
set cdp enable mod/port
set port membership mod/port static
set port l2protocol-tunnel mod/port cdp stp vtp dis
set udld enable mod/port
set spantree portfast mod/port enable trunk
set spantree bpdu-guard mod/port enable
set trunk mod/port nonegotiate dot1q
If the allowedvlans parameter is not specified, the following configuration is used:
set trunk mod/port 1-4094 (if all specified)
If the allowedvlans parameter is specified, the following configuration is used:
set trunk mod/port none
set trunk mod/port vlans (if specified)
set port qos mod/port autoqos trust dscp