Chapter 6 Setting Up and Managing User Groups
Configuration-specific User Group Settings
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Step 5 In the Cisco BBSM RADIUS Attributes table, specify the attribute to be
authorized for the group by selecting the check box next to the attribute. Where
applicable, further define the authorization for that attribute in the field next to it.
For more information about attributes, see Appendix D, “RADIUS Attributes,” or
the documentation for network devices using RADIUS.
Note The MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys attribute value is generated by
Cisco Secure ACS; there is no value to set in the HTML interface.
Step 6 To save the group settings you have just made, click Submit.
For more information, see the “Saving Changes to User Group Settings” section
on page 6-50.
Step 7 To continue specifying other group settings, perform other procedures in this
chapter, as applicable.
Configuring Custom RADIUS VSA Settings for a User Group
User-defined, custom Radius VSA configurations appear only when all the
following are true:
• You have defined and configured the custom RADIUS VSAs. (For
information about creating user-defined RADIUS VSAs, see the
“User-Defined RADIUS Vendors and VSA Sets” section on page E-27.)
• A network device has been configured in Network Configuration that uses a
RADIUS protocol that supports the custom VSA.
• Group-level custom RADIUS attributes have been enabled on the RADIUS
(Name) page of the Interface Configuration section.
You must configure both the IETF RADIUS and the custom RADIUS attributes.