Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Appendix E Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
User and AAA Client Import Option
Table E-2 ADD Statement Tokens
Token Required
Required Description
ADD Yes username Add user information to Cisco Secure ACS. If the
username already exists, no information is changed.
PROFILE No group number Group number to which the user is assigned. This must
be a number from 0 to 499, not a name. If you do not use
the PROFILE token or fail to provide a group number,
the user is added to the default group.
CHAP No CHAP password Require a CHAP password for authentication.
SENDAUTH No sendauth
Require a TACACS+ sendauth password.
CSDB No password Authenticate the username with the CiscoSecure user
CSDB_UNIX No UNIX-encrypted
Authenticate the username with the CiscoSecure user
database, using a UNIX password format.
EXT_NT No — Authenticate the username with a Windows NT/2000
external user database.
EXT_NDS No — Authenticate the username with a Novell NDS external
user database.
EXT_SDI No — Authenticate the username with an RSA external user
EXT_ANPI No — Authenticate the username with an AXENT external
user database.
No — Authenticate the username with a CRYPTOCard
external user database.
EXT_ODBC No — Authenticate the username with an ODBC external user
EXT_LDAP No — Authenticate the username with a generic LDAP
external user database.
No — Authenticate the username with a SafeWord external
user database.