Note the Speed field. The integer in this field represents a percentage. The percentage changes based on
the ambient temperature of the unit, and will increase as the temperature rises.
Monitor the Sensors
•show sensor
Note the Temperature field. The temperature is displayed in Celsius. The system’s maximum
external ambient temperature is 30 degrees C (0 – 10,000 ft). Acceptable internal temperature
ranges are 30 degrees C above external ambient, plus 1 degree for every 1,000 ft above sea-level.
The acceptable temperatures for the Topspin 270 varies depending on the card that is being
Topspin-270> show fan
Fan Information
fan oper-status speed(%)
1 up 76
2 up 77
3 up 74
4 up 77
Fan Seeprom
product pca pca fru
fan serial-number serial-number number number
1 - - - -
2 - - - -
3 - - - -
4 - - - -
Topspin-270# show sensor
Sensor Information
sensor oper-status oper-code temperature(c) alarm-temp(c) shutdown-temp(c)
10/1 up normal 35 75 85
11/1 up normal 31 75 85
12/1 up normal 29 75 85
13/1 up normal 31 75 85
15/1 up normal 38 70 80
16/1 up normal 37 70 80