Run Card Tests
References to “Cards” refers to fabric controllers, management I/O modules, node cards and the chassis
ID module. Fans and power supplies are not included in the Card tests; they can be tested through the
standard chassis test (page 93), or as individual components.
The following tests are available to locate and diagnose one or more cards in the chassis:
•Self-test page 90
Run a Card Self-Test
To perform a diagnostic self-test on a card:
1. Enter the diag card # command.
You cannot stop the card test once it has begun.
2. Exit the test to view the progress of the test.
The test takes approximately 5 - 8 minutes.
Example of test in progress
Topspin-270> enable
Topspin-270# config
Topspin-270(config)# diag card 11
Topspin-270(config-diag-card-11)# test self-test
Topspin-270(config-diag-card-11)# start
Topspin-270(config-diag-card-11)# exit
Topspin-270(config)# exit
Topspin-270# show diagnostic card 11
Diagnostic Tests For Cards
test : self-test
slot-id : 11
iterations : 1
action : start
result : In progress
percentage-completed : 0
result-string :