
Linksys SPA9000 Administrator Guide
Document Version 3.01
Chapter 6 SPA9000 Field Reference
This section describes the fields for the following headings on the SIP tab:
SIP Parameters, page 6-7
SIP Timer Values (sec), page 6-8
Response Status Code Handling, page 6-10
RTP Parameters, page 6-10
SDP Payload Types, page 6-11
NAT Support Parameters, page 6-13
PBX Parameters, page 6-14
Internal Music Source Parameters, page 6-17
Auto Attendant Parameters, page 6-18
PBX Phone Parameters, page 6-21
SIP Parameters
Field Description
Max Forward SIP Max Forward value, which can range from 1 to 255.
The default is 70.
Max Redirection Number of times an invite can be redirected to avoid an infinite loop.
The default is 5.
Max Auth Maximum number of times (from 0 to 255) a request may be challenged.
The default is 2.
SIP User Agent Name User-Agent header used in outbound requests.
The default is $VERSION. If empty, the header is not included. Macro expansion of $A
to $D corresponding to GPP_A to GPP_D allowed.
SIP Server Name Server header used in responses to inbound responses.
The default is $VERSION.
SIP Reg User Agent Name User-Agent name to be used in a REGISTER request. If this is not specified, the <SIP User
Agent Name> is also used for the REGISTER request.
The default is blank.
SIP Accept Language Accept-Language header used. There is no default (this indicates SPA9000 does not
include this header). If empty, the header is not included.
DTMF Relay MIME Type MIME Type used in a SIP INFO message to signal a DTMF event.
The default is application/dtmf-relay.