Linksys SPA9000 Administrator Guide
Document Version 3.01
Chapter 6 SPA9000 Field Reference
AA Prompts URL Script Instructs the SPA9000 to erase or download user-recorded prompt files from a
TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS server. These files must be encoded in G711u, size less than 60
seconds, with the header removed.
The sum of the prompt files cannot be longer than 94.5 seconds. The prompt is
downloaded when the device boots. If the prompt has already been downloaded from the
given URL, the download does not occur. If prompt file name is none, the corresponding
prompt currently saved in the flash is erased. The default value is blank. This parameter
was added in release 5.1.The following is the format of the prompt file:
serv=scheme://server_addr[:port]/root_path;[p1={prompt1 file path
name};][p2={prompt2 file path name};][p3={prompt3 file path
name};][p4={prompt4 file path name};][p5={prompt5 file path
name};][p6={prompt6 file path name};][p7={prompt7 file path
name};][p8={prompt8 file path name};][p9={prompt9 file path
name};][p10={prompt10 file path name};]
• scheme = tftp|http|https
• default port is 69 for tftp, 80 for http, and 443 for https
• root_path can be empty
• [ ] denotes optional item
For example:
The following shows the source for each prompt in this example:
prompt 1: tftp://
prompt 2: tftp://
prompt 3: tftp://
prompt 4 is erased