Chapter 2 Printer Operation
Self Print Mode
Performing a self test print is an easy way to check on the state of printer
setting and printing quality. Install the media as explained in “Installing
the Media” and then operate the printer as follows.
When using label media
Turn on printer power while pushing the Feed key. When the LCD
indicates “Self Print Mode” and “Label Media”, release the Feed key.
After it enters TEST MODE and media has fed, two labels print then
printing stops.
To restart printing, press the
Feed key once more.
When using continuous media
Turn on printer power while
pushing the Feed key. When
the LCD indicates “Self Print
Mode” and “Label Media”, and
then changed to “Self Print
Mode” and “Cont. Media”,
release the Feed key. After it
enters TEST MODE and it prints
then printing stops.
To restart printing, press the
Feed key once more.
Media Adjustments
Using the Self Test Print shown above, you can make adjustments to the
printer settings such as media width and media thickness (printhead
pressure).The location of these two adjustments is explained in Chapter 3.
The rst sample, left, shows an incorrectly set
“media thickness adjustment”.
For standard label media, it is recommended you
set the blue dial to the “1” position.
The second sample, left, shows an incorrectly set
“media width adjustment”.
For 4-inch or 102mm wide media, the adjuster
should be set to the “9” position on the blue dial.
Mode Settings
Media Thickness Adjustment
Setting the Media (p.25)
Self print pattern
Media Width Adjustment