Chapter 3 Printer Adjustments
Media Thickness Adjustment
It may be necessary to adjust the printer according to the thickness of
the media being used. This can be done easily by rotating the media
adjustment dial to improve the print quality.
• Poorprintqualityacrossthecompleteprintoutmeanswronglyset
media thickness. See this section.
• Poorprintqualityononesideofaprintoutmeanswronglysetmedia
width. See next section.
Refer to the following table; adjust while performing test printing by
turning the dial from the smallest number on the dial to the largest
number on the dial one step at a time.
Media thickness adjustment dial
Media Thickness Dial Position
Suggested media type
0 Direct thermal media (thin media)
1-2 Standard Label media, Direct thermal media
3-5 Thicker media such as synthetic paper,
premium grade paper and art paper
6-9 Thick media such as thermal paper (cardboard),
cards and tags
These values are guidelines. The exact media being used must be
matched with the correct media thickness adjustment position.
• Whenshippedfromthefactory,itissetatdial1or2.
(The factory default setting is indicated on the adjustment gauge label.)
• Theosetadjustmentvariesaccordingtothethicknessandthe
hardness of the media.
• Dialadjustmentmayberequireddependingonthethicknessofprint
and occurrence of ribbon wrinkles.
Installing the Media (p.26)
Self Print Mode (p.34)