
diskette drive – A device that enables a computer to read data from and write data
to diskettes.
Disk Operating System (DOS) – The generic name for the Microsoft Disk
Operating System (MS-DOS).
DOSSee Disk Operating System.
double-click – To press the left mouse button twice in rapid succession.
download – To transfer a copy of a file from a remote computer. Contrast upload.
drive – A device that enables the reading and sometimes writing of data to a
storage device. See CD drive, diskette drive, DVD drive, hard drive, Zip drive.
driver – A program that enables the Microsoft Windows operating system and the
BIOS to recognize and operate devices installed in or attached to a computer, such
as a PCI card or a printer. See Plug and Play.
DSLSee digital subscriber line.
DSL modem – A device used to connect to the Internet using digital subscriber
line service through standard telephone lines. See digital subscriber line.
duplex – Describes a communication channel that is always open in both
directions. In telecommunications, it refers to the ability of both parties to transmit
and receive signals at the same time. Also known as full duplex. Contrast half
DVDSee digital versatile disc.
e-mailSee electronic mail.
electronic mail – A method of sending messages and files across a network or the
enabling software – An instruction set that must be installed before the associated
hardware device can function.
Ethernet – A family of data link protocols that specifies how data is transferred
over a network.
expansion slot – A receptacle on the system board that accepts a device that adds
functionality to the computer, such as a modem.
ExplorerSee Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Windows Explorer.