
liquid crystal display (LCD) – A type of display that uses chemicals, or liquid
crystals, that respond to polarized light and electrical signals. A notebook computer
has a liquid crystal display.
listservSee mailing list.
local area network (LAN) – Two or more computers linked together for the
purpose of sharing resources, such as files, programs, or printers. A local area
network is usually contained within a single building. Contrast wide area network.
log on – To gain authorized access to a network or Internet service provider
account by providing a user name and password.
mailing list – A mail forwarding service that allows subscribers to send e-mail to a
single address where the message is copied and sent to all subscribers to that
particular list.
maillistSee mailing list.
MBSee megabyte.
MbpsSee megabits per second.
megabits per second (Mbps) – A unit of measurement used to describe the rate of
data transfer.
megabyte (MB) – A unit of measurement used to describe data quantity. One MB
is equal to approximately one million bytes. See byte.
megahertz (MHz) – A unit of measurement used to describe microprocessor
speed. One megahertz is equal to one million hertz, or one million cycles per
second. See hertz.
memory – The place where data and instructions are stored for use by the
processor. There are several different types of memory that include the following:
random-access memory (RAM) – The space where programs and data are
stored as they are used.
read-only memory (ROM) – The space where data needed to run the computer
is stored. The computer can access but not change this data.
virtual memory – The use of hard disk file space to extend the capability of
random-access memory.
MHzSee megahertz.