SAFETY RULES ....._.................. :.............. INSIDE COVER
MAINTENANCE AGR EEMENT ;;..;.,.;...;.;......... ......... ......17
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ........................... ............ 1
OPERATION .......,................................. ................. •..... 3-6
MAINTENANCE. ......................... .......... ,.i ................... 7-8
SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENTS ............................... 9-10
SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS ................................ 10_
TROUBLESHOOTING POINTS .;....................... ;...:;....
WIRING DIAGRAM ....................................................... 13
REPAIR PARTS ............................ ;.......................... 14-20
EMISSIONS WAR RANT'( ............... ,....................... 21-22
PARTS ORDERING ........................... ,....... BACK COVER
Air Cleaner ............. 7, 8
Assembly : ............... 4
Before Starting ............ 4
Carburetor ............... 9
Circuit Breakers .......... 5,6
Cord Sets ................ 5
Customer Responsibilities ... 1
E ngine
Carburetor adjusVnent ......... 9
Oit level ..................... 7
Speed ...................... 9
EtecVical Loads ........... 5
Gasoline ................. 5
Grounding Wing Screw ..... 4
Lubrication .............. 5,7
Ma intenance
Agreement .................. 1
Cleaning generator. ; ;.......,. 7
Enginemaintenance........... 7
GeneralRecommendations ..... 7
Generator Mainl_nance........ 7
Oil Level ................ 5, 7
Operation ............... 3-6
Overloading .............. 6
Parts, repair ........... 12-20
Safety Rules ...... inside cover
Service and Adjustments
Carburetor.................. 9
Engine Speed................ 9
Service Recommendations... 9
Specifications .............. 1
Starling Engine ............ 5
Stopping Engine ............ 6
Storage .................. 9
Troubleshooting ........... 10
Parts....................... 1
Emission Convol ......... 18-19
Wattage Reference Guide .... 6
Wiring Diagram ........... 11