• Unplug all electrical loads from generator panel recep-
tacles. Never start or stop engine with electrical de-
vices plugged in and lumed on.
• Let engine run at no-load for several minutes to stabi-
.....lize the internal temperatures of engine and generator.
•. Move stoP'lever'to *OFF" position.
This': generator is equipped with one 20-amp circuit
breaker. The duplex receptacle is protected against elec-
_cat ovedoad with the 20-amp breaker. Overloading a
generator inexcessof itsrated wattage capacity can result
in damage to the generator and to connected electrical
devices. Observe the following, lo prevent overloading the
= If the appliance, tool or motor does not give wattage,
multiply 120 volts times ampere rating to deter _e
v_tts (volts x amps =watts).
* Some electric motors, such as induction types, re_ ,,re
about two and a half times more watts of power for
starting than for running. This surgeofpowerlasts only
a fewseconds when starting such motors. Make sure
you allow for this high starting wattage when selecting
electrical devices to connect to your generator, First,
figure the watts needed to startthe largestmotor. Add
to that figure the running watts of all other connected •
= The GUIDE below is provided to assist you in deter-
mining how rnany items your generator can operate at
one time.
e Add up the total watlzge of all electrical devices to be
connected at one time. This total should NOT be
greater than the generator's wattage capacity.
• The rated wattage of lights can be taken from light
bulbs. The rated wattage of tools, appliances and
motors can usually be found on a data plate or decal
affixed to the device.
*Air Conditioner (12,000 Btu) ...... _............................. 1700
Battery Charger (20 amp) ............................................ 500
Belt Sander (3") ......................................................... 1000
*Jet Pump ............................................................... "30
Lav_ Mower ............................................................. YO
Light Bulb................................................................... _00
Chain Saw ................................................................. 1200
Circular Saw (6-1/23 .................... ,................. 800 to 1000
Coffee Maker ............................................................. 1000
Microwave Oven ......................................................... 700
ffVlilkCooler ............................................................... 1100
Oil Burner on Furnace ................................................. 300
*Compressor (1 HP) .......,.......................................... 2000
*Compressor (3/4 HP) ............................................... 1800
*compressor (1/2 HP) ............................................... 1400
Curling Iron .................................................................. 700
_Deep Freeze .............................................................. 500
Disc Sander (9") ........................................................ 1200
Oil Fired Space Heater (140,000 Btu)......................... 400
Oil Fired Space Heater (85,000 Btu) ........................... 225
Oil Fired Space Heater (30,000 Btu)............................. 50
*Paint Sprayer, Airless (1/3 HP) .................................. 600
Paint Sprayer, Airless (handheld) ............................... 150
Radio .................................................................. 50 to 200
Edge Trimmer ........................... ................... ;............... 500
Electric Nail Gun ............................................ -.......... 1200
Etectric Range (one element) .................................... 1500
Electri(_Skillet.:. J..... .............................. ..................... 1250
*Furnace Fan (lf3 HP) ' 1200
Hair Dryer .................................................................. 1200
Hand Ddtl(1 ");_:..:_,,i;.,,:...............:. ...... .:.......,............. 1100
Hand Drill (i/2") i'..i'_:.. .............. :..................... 750 tO t000
Ha.nd Ddl! {3/8.3 ,.i.,_:_._....... ,...-.................................... _..500
Hand Drill (1/4") ...................... ............... _....... ........L.......250
Hedge Trimmer ........................................................ i_450
4Refrigerator ................................................................ 600
Slow Cooker ................................................................. 200
"Submersible Pump (1-1/2 HP) ....................... .......... 2800
*Submersible Pump (1 HP) ................. i....... .............. 2000
-'Submersible Pump (1/2 HP) .................................... 1500
Sump Pump .._.............................................................600
_a bleSaw (I0")........................................_.,1750to2000
Television...................:.....................................200 to500
Weed Trimmer ;.._......_................................,..............500
*,_Ji0w 2-i/2times_ihel;iiSted watZSfor starting the_