
Document #: 38-08015 Rev. *J Page 36 of 99
SOF/EOP Interrupt Flag (Bit 9)
The SOF/EOP Interrupt Flag bit indicates the status of the
SOF/EOP Timer interrupt. This bit triggers ‘1’ when the
SOF/EOP timer expires.
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
Port B Wake Interrupt Flag (Bit 7)
The Port B Wake Interrupt Flag bit indicates remote wakeup on
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
Port A Wake Interrupt Flag (Bit 6)
The Port A Wake Interrupt Flag bit indicates remote wakeup on
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
Port B Connect Change Interrupt Flag (Bit 5)
The Port B Connect Change Interrupt Flag bit indicates the
status of the Connect Change interrupt on Port B. This bit
triggers ‘1’ on either a rising edge or falling edge of a USB Reset
condition (device inserted or removed). Together with the Port B
SE0 Status bit, it can be determined whether a device was
inserted or removed.
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
Port A Connect Change Interrupt Flag (Bit 4)
The Port A Connect Change Interrupt Flag bit indicates the
status of the Connect Change interrupt on Port A. This bit
triggers ‘1’ on either a rising edge or falling edge of a USB Reset
condition (device inserted or removed). Together with the Port A
SE0 Status bit, it can be determined whether a device was
inserted or removed.
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
Port B SE0 Status (Bit 3)
The Port B SE0 Status bit indicates if Port B is in a SE0 state or
not. Together with the Port B Connect Change Interrupt Flag bit,
it can be determined whether a device was inserted (non-SE0
condition) or removed (SE0 condition).
1: SE0 condition
0: Non-SE0 condition
Port A SE0 Status (Bit 2)
The Port A SE0 Status bit indicates if Port A is in a SE0 state or
not. Together with the Port A Connect change Interrupt Flag bit,
it can be determined whether a device was inserted (non-SE0
condition) or removed (SE0 condition).
1: SE0 condition
0: Non-SE0 condition
Done Interrupt Flag (Bit 0)
The Done Interrupt Flag bit indicates the status of the USB
Transfer Done interrupt. The USB Transfer Done triggers when
either the host responds with an ACK, or a device responds with
any of the following: ACK, NAK, STALL, or Timeout. This
interrupt is used for both Port A and Port B.
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
Host n SOF/EOP Count Register [R/W]
Host 1 SOF/EOP Count Register 0xC092
Host 2 SOF/EOP Count Register 0xC0B2
Register Description
The Host n SOF/EOP Count register contains the SOF/EOP
Count Value that is loaded into the SOF/EOP counter. This value
is loaded each time the SOF/EOP counter counts down to zero.
The default value set in this register at power up is 0x2EE0 which
generates a 1 ms time frame. The SOF/EOP counter is a down
counter decremented at a 12 MHz rate. When this register is
read, the value returned is the programmed SOF/EOP count
Count (Bits [13:0])
The Count field sets the SOF/EOP counter duration.
Write all reserved bits with ’0’.
Table 59. Host n SOF/EOP Count Register
Bit # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field Reserved Count...
Read/Write - - R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Field ...Count
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
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