
Document #: 38-08015 Rev. *J Page 47 of 99
EP2 Interrupt Flag (Bit 2)
The EP2 Interrupt Flag bit indicates if the endpoint two (EP2)
Transaction Done interrupt triggered. An EPx Transaction Done
interrupt triggers when any of the following responses or events
occur in a transaction for the device’s supplied EP: send/receive
ACK, send STALL, Timeout occurs, IN Exception Error, or OUT
Exception Error. In addition, if the NAK Interrupt Enable bit in the
Device n Endpoint Control register is set, this interrupt also
triggers when the device NAKs host requests.
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
EP1 Interrupt Flag (Bit 1)
The EP1 Interrupt Flag bit indicates if the endpoint one (EP1)
Transaction Done interrupt triggered. An EPx Transaction Done
interrupt triggers when any of the following responses or events
occur in a transaction for the device’s supplied EP: send/receive
ACK, send STALL, Timeout occurs, IN Exception Error, or OUT
Exception Error. In addition, if the NAK Interrupt Enable bit in the
Device n Endpoint Control register is set, this interrupt also
triggers when the device NAKs host requests.
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
EP0 Interrupt Flag (Bit 0)
The EP0 Interrupt Flag bit indicates if the endpoint zero (EP0)
Transaction Done interrupt triggered. An EPx Transaction Done
interrupt triggers when any of the following responses or events
occur in a transaction for the device’s supplied EP: send/receive
ACK, send STALL, Timeout occurs, IN Exception Error, or OUT
Exception Error. In addition, if the NAK Interrupt Enable bit in the
Device n Endpoint Control register is set, this interrupt also
triggers when the device NAKs host requests.
1: Interrupt triggered
0: Interrupt did not trigger
Write all reserved bits with ’0’.
Device n Frame Number Register [R]
Device 1 Frame Number Register 0xC092
Device 2 Frame Number Register 0xC0B2
Register Description
The Device n Frame Number register is a read only register that
contains the Frame number of the last SOF packet received. This
register also contains a count of SOF/EOP Timeout occurrences.
SOF/EOP Timeout Flag (Bit 15)
The SOF/EOP Timeout Flag bit indicates when an SOF/EOP
Timeout Interrupt occurs.
1: An SOF/EOP Timeout interrupt occurred
0: An SOF/EOP Timeout interrupt did not occur
SOF/EOP Timeout Interrupt Counter (Bits [14:12])
The SOF/EOP Timeout Interrupt Counter field increments by 1
from 0 to 7 for each SOF/EOP Timeout Interrupt. This field resets
to 0 when a SOF/EOP is received. This field is only updated
when the SOF/EOP Timeout Interrupt Enable bit in the Device n
Interrupt Enable register is set.
Frame (Bits [10:0])
The Frame field contains the frame number from the last
received SOF packet in full-speed mode. This field no function
for low-speed mode. If a SOF Timeout occurs, this field contains
the last received Frame number.
Table 72. Device n Frame Number Register
Bit # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Timeout Flag
Timeout Interrupt Counter
Reserved Frame...
Read/Write R R R R - R R R
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Field ...Frame
Read/Write R R R R R R R R
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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