2. Refer to the DriveRight Fleet Management Software Database Selection
Guide for additional program configuration instructions.
Software Setup
After you have finished the initial program configuration, you will want to
check the program preferences and enter the default DriveRight device
settings, and test the DriveRight device communications.
Note: Please refer to the DriveRight FMS Online Help System for more information.
Use the following steps to set DriveRight FMS preferences:
1. Set unit preferences by selecting Setup->Preferences->Units. The dialog
box that displays contains the following options:
• Unit Mode — Specify the distance and speed units that FMS uses.
• Date Mode — Specify the date format you want FMS to use. All dates
entered in FMS must follow the chosen format.
• Time Mode — Specify the time format used in the software
(AM-PM or 24 hour clock).
2. Select Setup->Preferences->Backup Options. The Backup Options
dialog box is displayed. Check the Keep ___ months of records active in
database after every backup box and determine the number of months of
data to be retained in the active database.
Note: Refer to the Active Database Size Recommendations section in the DriveRight Fleet
Management Software Database Selection Guide or to the same section in the
DriveRight FMS Online Help System for backup option recommendations.
3. Select Setup->Preferences->Download Options. The Download Options
dialog box displays, containing the following options:
• Synchronize time and date after every download — This option
resets the DriveRight or CarChip to the system time and date after each
download. If you select this option, be sure to verify the system time and
date regularly to ensure accuracy.
Note: If you choose this option, all DriveRight devices including remote units downloaded
through host mode or units downloaded using the Wireless Download System will be
reset to the computer’s time and date, even if the remote DriveRight is in a different time
zone. Also, all CarChip devices will be reset to the system time and date.