• Use DriveRight ID Code as Trip Address ID or Driver ID
(DriveRight 500, 600 and 600
E) — You may specify a Driver ID using
the code on the DriveRight. If only one driver uses a vehicle, the code
may be used as a Trip Address ID. To specify an ID for each trip
address, select Database->Trip Addresses.
At the beginning of each trip, specify the Trip Address ID in the
DriveRight device. When downloading a DriveRight device,
DriveRight FMS interprets each ID as the destination of a trip.
• Include last __ hours of speed — determine number of hours of speed
data recorded by the CarChip that the FMS software keeps. By design,
CarChip accumulates speed sample records according to the frequency
set in the CarChip Device Settings dialog box. This speed sampling
can be as frequent as every second. Frequent speed sampling can take
up large amounts of database space.
To save database space, the default setting of one hour is used, saving
the last hour of speed interval data that gets displayed in the CarChip
Parameter Logs database table. Select this check box and enter the
number of hours of Speed Interval logging data you want to keep. This
setting can be changed to log all speed samples, log any number of
hours of samples (from one to 96 hours), or not to save any samples
from the downloaded CarChip.
As long as the CarChip is not cleared after download, all the speed
sample data still exists in the CarChip’s memory. If this data is needed,
the CarChip can be downloaded again with this setting changed to
include more speed samples. This data can also be seen in detail by
downloading the CarChip information into the retail CarChip Software
included on the FMS software disk.