
PERC 3/SC Hardware Installation 107
J8 Hard Disk LED
J8 is a four-pin connector that attaches to a cable that connects to the hard
disk light emitting diode (LED) mounted on the computer enclosure. The
LED indicates data transfers.Table 8-5 shows the pinout for J8.
J10 Term Power
J10 is a 2-pin jumper. The factory setting is pins 1-2 shorted. Pins 1-2 should
always be shorted for J10 to enable onboard term power.
J15 RUBI Slot Interrupt Steering
J15 is a 3-pin jumper. You can short the pins for a standard PCI slot or a PCI
RUBI slot. The default is to have the jumper installed to short pins 1 and 2.
Table 8-6 shows the pinout for J15.
Table 8-5. J8 Hard Disk LED
Pin Description
1 VCC through pull-up
2 SCSI activity signal
3 SCSI activity signal
4 VCC through pull-up
Table 8-6. J15 RUBI Slot Interrupt Steering
Short… For…
Pins 1-2 Standard PCI slot (default)
Pins 2-3 PCI RUBI slot