6 Chapter 2
Placing the INI Files into the Folder Structure on the Server
If you have set up your environment to provide your thin clients running Wyse
Enhanced Ubuntu Linux with automatic configurations (as described in Administrators
Guide: Dell
Wyse Enhanced Ubuntu™ Linux), you can use the following folder
structure on your server under the C:/inetpub/ftproot folder (for FTP) or
C:/inetpub/wwwroot folder (for HTTP or HTTPS) and place your INI files and other
necessary files inside the structure as noted (this list describes the folder structure,
starting with the root directory).
NOTE: You can also use WDM to provide your thin clients running Wyse Enhanced
Ubuntu Linux with automatic configurations.
/wyse/ The root directory. It stores the wlx folder and the addons
/wyse/wlx The main INI configuration folder. It stores the following:
• wlx.ini file or $MAC.ini file
• bitmap folder
• certs folder
• ini folder
/wyse/wlx/bitmap The folder where you can place custom images you plan to
/wyse/wlx/certs The folder where you can place the CA certificates that can be
imported to a thin client.
Note: Use the Certs and ImportCerts INI parameters in the
wlx.ini file to import the certificates to thin clients.
/wyse/wlx/ini The folder where you can place the {username}.ini files.