26 Chapter 4
Connection Settings (wlx.ini, $MAC.ini, and {username}.ini Files)
Table 7 contains parameters used for configuring connection settings.
Table 7 Connection Settings: wlx.ini files, $MAC.ini files, and {username}.ini files
Parameter Description
Alternate={no, yes} For ICA only.
Yes/no option to use an alternate IP address returned
from an ICA master browser to get through firewalls.
Browser.Homepage=URL If the browser add-on is installed, this is the URL to
the home page for the browser.
Connect={BROWSER, Custom, ICA,
RDP, SSH, Ericom_PowerTerm,
Connection protocol. Appendix A describes these
connect options:
• BROWSER, see "Chromium Connect Options"
• Custom, see "Custom Connect Options"
• ICA, see "Citrix (ICA) Connect Options"
• RDP, see "RDP Connect Options"
• SSH, see "SSH Connect Options"
• Ericom_PowerTerm, see "Ericom PowerTerm®
TEC Connect Options"
• VMWARE_VIEWCLIENT, see "VMware View Client
Connect Options"
• VNC_VIEWER, see "VNC Viewer Connect Options"
NOTE: Which connection types are available depends
on which were installed.
Drives=<drive letter>={floppy,
cdrom, disk}, {rw, ro} [, basedir] drive
Maps drives on the server to USB mass storage
devices attached to the thin client, where:
drive letter=A to Z
floppy=USB floppy
disk= USB drive or memory stick
ro=read only
basedir=an optional directory on the USB device to
NOTE: Be sure each drive command is separated by a
HomePage=URL If the browser add-on is installed, this is the URL to
the home page for the browser.
ICABrowsing={udp, http, https} For ICA only.
Specifies the default browsing protocol. Default is
http. This setting can be overridden by the
HttpBrowsing={yes,no,ssl} in each connection