Virtual IP address:
2007::1 fe80::1
Tracking states for 2 resource Ids:
2 - Up IPv6 route, 2040::/64, priority-cost 20, 00:02:11
3 - Up IPv6 route, 2050::/64, priority-cost 30, 00:02:11
The following example shows viewing the VRRP configuration on an interface.
Dell#show running-config interface tengigabitethernet 2/30
interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/30
no ip address
ipv6 address 2007::30/64
vrrp-ipv6-group 1
track 2 priority-cost 20
track 3 priority-cost 30
virtual-address 2007::1
virtual-address fe80::1
no shutdown
Setting VRRP Initialization Delay
When configured, VRRP is enabled immediately upon system reload or boot. You can delay VRRP
initialization to allow the IGP and EGP protocols to be enabled prior to selecting the VRRP Master.
AVRRP initialization delay ensures that VRRP initializes with no errors or conflicts. You can configure the
delay for up to 15 minutes, after which VRRP enables normally.
Set the delay timer on individual interfaces. The delay timer is supported on all physical interfaces, VLANs,
and LAGs.
When you configure both CLIs, the later timer rules VRRP enabling. For example, if you set vrrp delay
reload 600
and vrrp delay minimum 300, the following behavior occurs:
• When the system reloads, VRRP waits 600 seconds (10 minutes) to bring up VRRP on all interfaces
that are up and configured for VRRP.
• When an interface comes up and becomes operational, the system waits 300 seconds (5 minutes) to
bring up VRRP on that interface.
To set the delay time for VRRP initialization, use the following commands.
• Set the delay time for VRRP initialization on an individual interface.
vrrp delay minimum seconds
This time is the gap between an interface coming up and being operational, and VRRP enabling.
The seconds range is from 0 to 900.
The default is 0.
• Set the delay time for VRRP initialization on all the interfaces in the system configured for VRRP.
vrrp delay reload seconds
This time is the gap between system boot up completion and VRRP enabling.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)