Dell#sh run pim
ip pim rp-address group-address
Overriding Bootstrap Router Updates
PIM-SM routers must know the address of the RP for each group for which they have (*,G) entry.
This address is obtained automatically through the bootstrap router (BSR) mechanism or a static RP
Use the following command if you have configured a static RP for a group. If you do not use the
override option with the following command, the RPs advertised in the BSR updates take precedence
over any statically configured RPs.
• Use the override option to override bootstrap router updates with your static RP configuration.
ip pim rp-address
Examples of Viewing the Rendezvous Point (Multicast Group) Information
To display the assigned RP for a group, use the show ip pim rp command from EXEC privilege mode.
Dell#show ip pim rp
Group RP
To display the assigned RP for a group range (group-to-RP mapping), use the show ip pim rp
mapping command in EXEC privilege mode.
Dell#show ip pim rp mapping
PIM Group-to-RP Mappings
Group(s):, Static
RP:, v2
Configuring a Designated Router
Multiple PIM-SM routers might be connected to a single local area network (LAN) segment. One of these
routers is elected to act on behalf of directly connected hosts. This router is the designated router (DR).
The DR is elected using hello messages. Each PIM router learns about its neighbors by periodically
sending a hello message out of each PIM-enabled interface. Hello messages contain the IP address of the
interface out of which it is sent and a DR priority value. The router with the greatest priority value is the
DR. If the priority value is the same for two routers, then the router with the greatest IP address is the DR.
By default, the DR priority value is 192, so the IP address determines the DR.
• Assign a DR priority value.
ip pim dr-priority priority-value
• Change the interval at which a router sends hello messages.
ip pim query-interval seconds
• Display the current value of these parameter.
EXEC Privilege mode
show ip pim interface
PIM Sparse-Mode (PIM-SM)