
Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
Revised March, 2012 3-79
5) Set Home motion mode and offset:
Figure 3.108
Mode item: Select Home motion mode. API function's argument variable
Offset item: Set Home motion offset. API function's argument variable
6) Set positive/negative value limit; enable/disable software limit, and whether to touch
software limit or not;
Figure 3.109
P-Limit item: Value of positive limit. API function's argument variable “PLimit”.
N-Limit item: Value of negative limit. API function's argument variable “NLimit”.
Soft-limit Checkbox: Enables/disables software limit.
P Limit limit: Display contact with positive software limit is “ON”.
N Limit item: Display contact with negative software limit is “ON”.
7) Set new position value and execute change of position:
Figure 3.110
New Pos item: Value of new position. API function's argument variable “NewPos”.
PCh item: Enable position change.