Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
3-74 Revised March, 2012
2) Set Servo Node ID and enable motion status display
Figure 3.101
Enter Node ID and check “Timer” checkbox to enable motion status display
NodeID item: API function's argument variable “NodeID”.
NNID item: API function's argument variable “slotID”.
Timer command checkbox: Click to display motion status. Click again to turn off
3) Enter parameter value of manual pulse control.
Figure 3.102
MN ID item: API function's argument variable “MNNodeID”.
Ratio item: Ratio between each MPG rotation and motor rotation. API function's
argument variable “ratio”.
Slope item: MPG speed slope. API function's argument variable “slope”.
Pulse ratio item: Ratio of pulses per MPG revolution. API function's argument
variable “pulse_ratio”.
4) Enter the argument values for Jog control
Figure 3.103
Jog spd item: Set the Jog speed. API function's argument variable “jog_speed”.
Jog mode item: Choose JOG axis. API function's argument variable “jog_mode”.
5) Set Servo Motor Power ON/OFF (servo on/servo off)
Click on the “SVON” button to execute the following procedure:
rt = _DMC_01_ipo_set_svon(gDMCCardNo, NodeID, SlotID , ON_OFF);
// ON_OFF: 0 – Servo Power OFF; 1 – Servo Power ON