ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
Parameter Description Supported values
NFACILITY_ELEM *nsfc_bufp Network
Not used, set to NULL. See the
cc_SetInfoElem( ) function to add
custom IEs to the MAKECALL
NOTE: This element must be set to
NULL if it is not to be used in the
setup message.
NOTE: The facility_feature_service and facility_coding_value data elements
must be paired to support the specific feature or service requested from the
network. The specific feature/service that is being used must be identified before
entering a value for facility_feature_service.
6.8.1. MAKECALL_BLK Initialization
Because ISDN services vary with switches and provisioning plans, a set of default
standards cannot be set for the MAKECALL_BLK. Therefore, it is up to the user
application to fill in the applicable MAKECALL_BLK values that apply to the
particular provisioning.
All of the bearer capability elements in the MAKECALL_BLK structure must be
specified. Specify ISDN_NOTUSED will cause the default values to be sent. The
application should first initialize the MAKECALL_BLK structure with a set of
defaults prior to filling in settings pertaining to the particular ISDN service.
A sample MAKECALL_BLK initialization is shown below:
/* Initialize the MAKECALL block */
makecall_blk.isdn.BC_xfer_cap = BEAR_CAP_SPEECH;
makecall_blk.isdn.BC_xfer_mode = ISDN_ITM_CIRCUIT;
makecall_blk.isdn.BC_xfer_rate = BEAR_RATE_64KBPS;
makecall_blk.isdn.usrinfo_layer1_protocol = 0xFF;
makecall_blk.isdn.usr_rate = 0xFF;
makecall_blk.isdn.destination_number_type = 0xFF;
makecall_blk.isdn.destination_number_plan =0xFF;
makecall_blk.isdn.destination_sub_number_type = 0xFF;
makecall_blk.isdn.destination_sub_phone_number[0] = NULL;
makecall_blk.isdn.origination_number_type = 0xFF;
makecall_blk.isdn.origination_number_plan = 0xFF;
makecall_blk.isdn.origination_sub_number_type = 0xFF;
makecall_blk.isdn.origination_sub_phone_number[0] = NULL;
makecall_blk.isdn.origination_phone_number[0] = NULL;
makecall_blk.isdn.facility_feature_service = 0xFF;