ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
Table 17. ISDN Function Description Format
Section Provides:
Function Header the function name and briefly states its purpose.
Function Overview an overview of the function, including the following:
• Name
Defines the function name and
function syntax using standard C
language syntax.
• Inputs
Lists all input parameters using
standard C language syntax.
• Returns
Lists all returns of the function.
• Includes
Lists all include files required by the
• Category
Lists the category classification of the
function (see Chapter 4. ISDN
Function Overview).
• Mode
Indicates whether the function is
asynchronous, synchronous, or both.
• Technology
Indicates the technology/technologies
supported by the function. A filled box
designates a supported technology.
Function Description a detailed description of the function operation, including
parameter descriptions
Termination Events the events that may be sent to the application at the
completion of the asynchronous function. (This does not
apply to synchronous programming models.)
Cautions warnings and reminders
Example C language coding example(s) showing how the function
can be used in application code
Errors specific error codes that may be returned by the function
See Also a list of related functions