
6 Message Reference
8 2 max_sif_len
10 2 l3_flags
12 4 pc
16 2 ssf
18 2 up_enable
20 2 link0_flags
22 2 link0_slc
24 4 link0_adj_pc
28 2 link0_stream
30 2 link0_timeslot
32 2 link1_flags
34 2 link1_slc
36 4 link1_adj_pc
40 2 link1_stream
42 2 link1_timeslot
44 2 link2_flags
46 2 link2_slc
48 4 link2_adj_pc
52 2 link2_stream
54 2 link2_timeslot
56 2 link3_flags
58 2 link3_slc
60 4 link3_adj_pc
64 2 link3_stream
66 2 link3_timeslot
This message must be the first message sent to the DSI SPCI Board once the
SS7 software is running. It is used to configure all modules on the board for
operation. The message contains signaling point codes for this signaling point
and the adjacent signaling point(s), flags to permit various level 1, level 2,
and level 3 run-time options to be selected and the physical link parameters.
Once the DSI SPCI Board has been configured, you must reset it before
configuring it again.
The confirmation message (if requested) indicates success by status of zero.
To ensure configuration is complete before subsequent messages are issued
to the board, the user should always request a confirmation message and
check the status for success.