
DSI SPCI Network Interface Boards Programmer's Manual Issue 5
Mode Required Parameters
local st local ts source st source ts dest st dest ts pattern
1 * * * *
2 * * * *
3 * * * * * *
4 * *
5 * *
6 * *
10 * * *
11 * * * *
12 * * * *
If a parameter is not required, it must be set to zero.
The local stream defines which local stream to use for all the modes of
operation. The local streams are either an liu_id or a special identifier to allow
connection to the signaling processor as follows:
Local Stream Connected to
0 ... 3 liu_id 0 ... 3
131 (0x83) Signaling Processor
The local slot defines which timeslot on the local stream to use for all the
modes of operation. The local slot value has the following valid ranges
depending on the type of local stream:
Local Stream Type Local Slot Range
Local stream to E1 LIU 1 … 31
Local stream to T1 LIU 1 … 24
Local stream to signaling processor 0 … 3
The value of the mode parameter determines which of the following
operations to perform.
mode = 1 : Make a simplex connection from a timeslot on the CT bus to a
timeslot on the local bus. Using parameters local_stream, local_slot,
source_stream and source_slot, to specify the local and CT bus timeslots