This is made with a whole egg, giving
a light, creamy sauce. Use as a basic
dressing for potato salad, pasta salad,
seafood salads etc.
aa llaarrggee ffrreesshh eegggg
ddaasshh ooff lleemmoonn jjuuiiccee oorr vviinneeggaarr
11 ttbbsspp FFrreenncchh mmuussttaarrdd
11-- 22 cclloovveess ggaarrlliicc ((ttoo ssoofft
ffllaavvoouurr,, ppooaacchh iinn mmiillkk ffoorr 3300
330000mmll ((½½ ppiinntt)) ssuunnfflloowweerr ooiill,, oorr
ssuunnfflloowweerr aanndd oolliivve
e ooiill mmiixxeedd
ssaalltt aanndd mmiilllleedd wwhhiittee ppeeppppeerr
• All the ingredients should be
warm. Fill the bowl of the mini
chopper with hot water and stand
the container of mixed oils and
the egg (still in its shell) in warm
• When everything is warm, drain
and dry the chopper bowl, and
break the egg into it
• Add a little lemon juice or
vinegar, mustard and garlic and
• With the blade spinning, trickle in
the oil slowly through the lid
using the drizzle holes. Add more
lemon juice or vinegar, also
through the drizzle holes, as
• Add salt and pepper to taste
• Store in the fridge until required
CREAMY SALAD DRESSING (makes about 270ml (½ pint))
Mashed swede or parsnip, Elevate the
humble root vegetable to something
special to serve with roast meat or
445500gg ((11 llbb)) sswweeddee oorr ppaarrssnniipp
aa kknnoobb ooff bbuutttteerr
11--22 ttbbsspp ssiinnggllee oorr wwhhiippppiinngg
ccrreeaamm ((ooppttiioonnaall))
ssaalltt a
anndd ffrreesshhllyy mmiilllleedd ppeeppppeerr
½½ ttsspp ppoowwddeerreedd cciinnnnaammoonn ((iiff yyoouu
lliikkee iitt)) ffoorr tthhee sswweeddee
• Peel the vegetable and cut into
biggish cubes, then cover with
cold water in a saucepan, add a
little salt, bring to simmering
point, and cook gently for 15-20
minutes, or until tender
ROOT MASH (serves two)