Light as a feather, these little crisps
could not be easier to make. They
are delicious with drinks before a
meal, or served with a Caesar salad
110000gg ((44oozz)) PPaarrmmeessaann cchheeeessee
2255gg ((11oozz)) mmaattuurree CChheeddddaarr
YYoouu wwiillll nneeeedd ttwwoo 55ccmm ((22iinn))
ccooookkiiee ccu
utttteerrss aanndd aa llaarrggee bbaakkiinngg
ttrraayy lliinneedd wwiitthh bbaakkiinngg ppaarrcchhmmeenntt
• Preheat oven to 180C/350F/M4
• Mix the two cheeses together,
whizzing them in the mini
chopper. (See Daily uses for
your Dualit mini chopper, pages
10 &11)
• In a large frying pan, sizzle the
curry paste in a little oil, then add
stock and coconut milk
• Add chicken, fish or prawns and
simmer until cooked. The chicken
breasts take much longer to cook
than fish or prawns
• Add spinach leaves, stirring gently
so they do not stick. Taste to see
if you need more green curry
• The moment the spinach is hot,
scatter coriander leaves over the
• Serve straight away with steaming
bowls of basmati rice
PARMESAN WAFERS (makes twelve)
• Place the cookie cutters far apart
on the baking tray. This allows for
the mix to spread
• Scoop up a tablespoon of grated
cheese, level it off and sprinkle
into a cookie cutter, using a knife
to tickle the cheese out evenly
• Repeat, moving the cutters as
you go along, until the cheese
mixture is used up
• Place in the oven and bake for 8
minutes. Cool on the tray
• Store in an airtight container,
interleaved with paper towel