The immobilizer system
For additional anti-theft protection, the motorcycle is
equipped with an IMMOBILIZER, an electronic system
that locks the engine automatically whenever the ignition
switch is turned off.
The grip of each ignition key contains an electronic device
that modulates the output signal from a special antenna in
the switch when the ignition is switched On. The modulated
signal represents the “password” (which is changed at each
start-up) by which the ECU recognizes the ignition key.
The ECU will only allow the engine to start if it recognises
this password.
(fig. 24)
The owner receives a set of keys, comprising:
- 2 black keys (B).
These contain the “code” of the immobilizer system.
Your Ducati dealer may ask you to produce your Code
Card in order to carry out certain servicing operations.
The black keys (B) are the keys for normal use, and are
used to:
- start the engine;
- open the lock on the fuel tank filler cap;
- open the seat lock.
The two keys have a small tag (1) attached, which
shows their identification number.
fig. 24