Getting Connected and Installing Drivers (Windows)
Settings and checking
■ Specifying the audio and MIDI input/output
Windows XP/2000/Me users
Open Control Panel.
Click the Windows Start button, and from the menu that
appears, select Settings | Control Panel.
Windows XP
Click the Windows start button, and from the menu that
appears, select Control Panel.
Open the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties
dialog box (or in Windows 2000/Me, Sounds and
Multimedia Properties).
Windows XP
In “Pick a category” click “Sound, Speech, and Audio
Devices”. Next, in “or pick a Control Panel icon”, click the
sounds and Audio Devices icon.
Windows 2000/Me
In Control Panel, double-click the Sounds and Multimedia
icon to open the “Sounds and Multimedia Properties”
dialog box.
Click the Audio tab.
Depending on how your
system is set up, the Sounds
and Audio Devices icon may
e displayed directly in the
Control Panel (the Classic
view). In this case, double-
click the Sounds and Audio
Devices icon.
If the Sound and Multimedia
icon is not displayed, click
“Show all control panel
options” in the frame at the