Getting Connected and Installing
Drivers (Macintosh)
If you are using a Windows computer, please proceed to Getting Connected and
Installing Drivers (Windows) (p. 16).
What is a driver?
A “driver” is software that
transfers data between the
UA-20 and application
software running on your
computer, when your
computer and the UA-20
are connected by a USB
cable. The driver sends data from your application to the UA-20, and from the
UA-20 to your application.
Advanced mode and Standard driver mode
The UA-20 has two operating modes, Advanced mode and Standard driver
mode, and a different driver is used by each mode.
■ Advanced mode
The UA-20 will operate in this mode when the rear panel ADVANCE (mode select)
switch is turned ON. The special driver included on the CD-ROM will be used,
allowing audio to be recorded/played/edited with high quality and stable timing.
In Advanced mode, audio signals can be transferred between the UA-20 and the
computer at a resolution of 24 bits and sampling frequencies of 44.1 kHz.
Select Advanced mode if you are using an application that is able to record/
playback/edit high-quality audio, such as a 24 bit audio application or an ASIO-
compatible application such as Cubase VST, Logic Audio, and Metro.
In Advanced mode, the UA-20 cannot play back audio data (audio CDs or warning
sounds) from the Macintosh sound manager.
(➝ Installing the special driver (p. 43))
■ Standard driver mode
The UA-20 will operate in this mode when the rear panel ADVANCE (mode select)
switch is turned OFF. The standard USB audio driver included with MacOS will be
used. In standard driver mode, audio signals are transferred between the UA-20
and the computer at a resolution of 16 bits and sampling frequencies of 44.1 kHz.
Select this mode if you are using an application that uses MacOS’s own
functionality, such as an application that uses the computer’s CD-ROM drive to
play back CD-audio, or an application that uses the software synthesizer included
with MacOS. The standard driver included with MacOS does not support ASIO.
Note also that the use of Mac OS 8.6 is not supported.
(➝ Installing the OS-standard driver (p. 53))
USB cable
USB port