
Conversation Time-Out Tone - Calls are limited to a certain length by
the system. Thirty seconds before this time is reached, a “tick” begins
sounding each second. When the 30-second time expires, the call is auto-
matically terminated by the system.
Turn-Around Tone - This is a single beep which may be used to indicate
to the landside party when to respond to your transmission. It sounds
when you release the PTT switch, and you may partially hear this tone.
Proceed Tone - This tone consists of two beeps and it tells the landside
caller when to enter the five-digit number specifying the mobile being
called. Dialing of this number must be started within 5 seconds of hearing
this tone, and a tone-type telephone must be used.
Display Messages
The following messages appear on the upper or lower line of the
display to indicate various operating modes and error conditions. The
group alpha tag appears in this area during normal operation.
ALL CALL - Indicates that a Multi-Net “All Call” special call is being
received. This is a high-priority call to all mobiles assigned to a site. If
another call is being received, it is dropped to receive this call.
BLK CALL - Indicates that the call is being received on a Multi-Net or
LTR block ID code (see “Calls on Priority and Block ID Codes” on
page 46).
BUSY - Indicates that the Multi-Net or LTR radio system is currently
busy (see “Busy Tone” on page 54).
CG ON or OFF - Indicates that Call Guard squelch was just enabled or
disabled by the CG option switch (see “Monitor Mode” on page 50).
DSBL BSY - Indicates that the transmitter is disabled by the conven-
tional Transmit Disable On Busy feature (see page 51). It also indicates
that the transmitter was keyed while receiving a Multi-Net or LTR call.