
OUT-RNGE - Indicates that the transceiver was unable to contact a
repeater. Once this indication appears, no more access attempts are made
until the PTT switch is released and then pressed again. Refer to “Opera-
tion At Extended Range” on page 61 for more information.
PRI ON or OFF - Indicates that priority sampling was just enabled or
disabled by the PRI option switch (see page 53).
PRIORTY1 or 2 - Indicates that a Multi-Net, LTR, or conventional call
is being received on one of the priority ID codes or groups (see pages 46
and 53).
PROG ERR - Indicates an EEPROM read error. Refer to “Transceiver
Service” on page 62 for more information.
ROAMING - Indicates that the transceiver is in the process of regis-
tering on another system (see “Roaming (Auto-Registration)” on
page 44).
SQUELCH - Indicates that the conventional squelch adjust mode is
selected (see “Setting Squelch Control” on page 18).
SYS SRCH - Indicates that the LTR System Search mode has been
enabled (see page 49).
TA ON or OFF - Indicates that talk-around was just enabled or disabled
by the TA option switch (see “Talk-Around” on page 52).
TIMEOUT - Indicates that the transmitter has been disabled by the
Time-Out Timer (see page 31).
TX DSBL - Indicates that the selected conventional system is
programmed for monitoring only (see “Receive-Only Groups” on
page 51).
TX INHIB - Indicates that the transmitter has been disabled by the
Transmit Inhibit feature (see page 47).
UI xxxx - This is the unique ID of the mobile transmitting the message
you are receiving (See “Caller Identification” on page 46.)