Care & Cleaning
Protecting your investment
• Pull the freezer straight out to move it. Shifting it from side to side may damage ooring.
• Damp objects stick to cold metal surfaces. Do not touch refrigerated surfaces with wet or
damp hands.
• Turningthefreezertemperaturecontrolto“OFF”turnsoffthecompressor,butdoesnotdisconnect
electrical power to the light bulb or other electrical components. To turn off power to your freezer,
you must unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
• Donotuserazorbladesorothersharpinstrumentswhichcanscratchtheappliancesurfacewhen
water and mild detergent, or, touch the glue residue with the sticky side of tape you have already
Keep your freezer clean to prevent odor build-up. Wipe up any spills immediately and clean at least twice
the wall outlet before cleaning.
• Soap and water
• Baking soda and
• Use 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 quart of warm water.
• Be sure to wring excess water out of sponge or cloth before cleaning around
controls, light bulb or any electrical part.
• Wipe gaskets with a clean soft cloth.
• Use a soft cloth to clean drawer runners and tracks.
• Do not wash any removable items (bins, drawers, etc.) in dishwasher.
• Soap and water
• Glass cleaner
• Mild liquid sprays
• Allow glass to warm to room temperature before immersing in warm water.
• Soap and water
• Non Abrasive Glass
• Do not use commercial household cleaners, ammonia, or alcohol to clean
• Use a soft cloth to clean smooth handles.
• Do not use a dry cloth to clean smooth doors.
Exterior & Handles
(Stainless Steel
Models Only)
• Soap and water
• Ammonia
• Stainless Steel
• Never use CHLORIDE to clean stainless steel.
• Clean stainless steel front and handles with non-abrasive soapy water and a
dishcloth. Rinse with clean water and a soft cloth.
• Wipe stubborn spots with an ammonia-soaked paper towel, and rinse. Use a
non-abrasive stainless steel cleaner. These cleaners can be purchased at
most home improvement or major department stores. Always follow
manufacturer's instruction.
• NOTE: Always, clean, wipe and dry with grain to prevent cross-grain
• Wash the rest of the cabinet with warm water and mild liquid detergent. Rinse
well, and wipe dry with a clean soft cloth.