For safe food storage, allow four (4) hours for freezer to cool down completely. The freezer will run continuously for
the first several hours.
The electronic temperature control is located on the freezer door. Temperature is factory preset to provide
satisfactory food storage temperatures. Refer to the SETTING FREEZER CONTROL Quick Reference
Display Priority Visual Alarm Alarm Status Action(s) Required
“HI” 3 “HI Temp” LED ON and
mute sounds LED flashes
Freezer temperature
over the safe limit
Press the mute sounds key
to stop the audible alarm
Alternating “E1”
and temperature
mute sounds LED flashes; 1
second set temperature, 1
second “E1”
Fail Safe Mode Check thermistor status
Press the mute sounds key
to stop the audible alarm
Alternating “CE”
and temperature
mute sounds LED flashes; 1
second set temperature, 1
second “CE”
Communication Error Check connection between
UI and ECU. Press the mute
sounds key to stop the
audible alarm
Alternating “E2”
and temperature
mute sounds LED flashes; 1
second set temperature, 1
second “E2”
Stuck Key Error Check membrane keys.
Press the mute sounds key
to stop the audible alarm
power fail LED on and mute
sounds LED flashes
Cabinet greater than 10
degrees over the SET
TEMP. at power up.
Press the mute sounds key
to stop the audible alarm
Set Temperature 5
door ajar LED on and mute
sounds LED flashes
Door open for more than
5 minutes
Press the mute sounds key
to stop the audible alarm