Door open acoustic alarm
An aco ust ic a larm w ill s o und w hen t he
door is left open for around 1,5 minutes.
The door open alarm conditions are
indicated b y :
- flashing of the icon
- sounding of b uzzer.
Press the key (E) to stop the acoustic
When norm al co ndit io ns are rest o red
(door closed):
- the aco ust ic a larm will st o p.
Control Panel (ice dispenser)
F. Yellow indicator lamp
Lights up when the locking function
has been activated.
G. Button for locking function.
Used for temporary disconnection of
the locking function and alarm
H. Button for night s etting/lighting.
Used for activation/deactivation of the
night setting function and to switch the
lighting and the alarm setting on and
I. Lighting
J. Photo-electric sensor.
Senses prevailing lighting conditions
(must not be covered).
K. Ice feeder
Activated when the paddle in the
feeder is fully depressed.
Switching the ice machine on and off.
The ice machine is switched on in the
production plant and starts up auto-
matically when the refrigerator is con-
nected to water an d power supplies.
To switch off or on the ice machine,
press in the button (D) ( sev eral times if
neces s a r y) until the co rresp o nd i ng icon
appear s
. You mus t confirm the
choice by pres sing key E wit hin a few
seconds. If the ice mach in e is
switched off, then the cover supplied
should be fitted over the ice delivery
hole in the door.
Locking function - The ice dispenser
control panel.
The locking fun ction is activated in the
production plant.