
Select /Switch off /Switch on
Temperature regulation
The temperature may be regulated by
pressing the key (B) to set the desired
By pressing the key B the current tem-
perature setting flashes on the indica-
tor and by pressing the k ey B again it
is possible to change it.
rature either by pressing the key E,
(you will hear the buzzer) or by waiting
for some seconds (you will not hear
the buzzer).
Then the indicator shows the inside
compartment temperature.
The newly selected-temperature must
be reached after 24 hours.
It is not n ecessary to set the tempera-
ture again after long periods of n on
use as the temperature remains
stor ed.
During the stability period by the first
starting the temperature displayed can
not correspond to the setting tempe-
rature. During this time it is possible
that the t emperature d isplayed is
different than the setting temperature.
Switching o ff
The appliance is shut off by pressing
key (A) for more than 1 second. After
this, a countdown of the temperature
from -3 -2 -1 will be shown.
Ambient Temperature Function
The ambient temperature function is
activated by pressing key D (several
times if necessary) until the corres-
ponding icon appears
In this condition the selected tempera-
ture is the ambient temperature.
You must confirm the choice by
pressing key E within a few seconds.
You will hear the buzzer and the icon
will r em ain lit .
It is poss ible to d e-activ at e t he funct ion
corresp o nding i con w ill flas h and then
key E.
Child Lock Function
The Child Lo ck funct ion is activat ed b y
pr es sing key D (sev eral times if neces -
sary) until the corresponding icon
You m us t confi r m the c hoice by pr e s -
sing key E within a few seconds . You
will hear the buz z er and the ico n will
r emain lit.
In this condition any possible operation
through the keys does not cau se any
change as long as this fun ction is
It is possible to de-activate the function
corresponding icon flashes and then
key E.
Eco mode Function
The Eco Mode function is activated by
pressing key D (several times if neces-
sary) until the corr esponding icon
(or setting the t emperature
at -18°C).
You must confirm the choice by pres-
sing key E within a few seconds. You
will hear the buzzer and the icon will
remain lit.
In this condition the chosen tempera-
tures are automatically set ( - 18°C), in
the best conditions for storing food.