
Daniel 3812 Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meter Installation Manual Section 1: Introduction
3-9000-765 Rev D March 2013
Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions 5
PC Personal Computer
PFC peripheral field connection (board)
P/N part number
PS power supply (board)
psi pounds per square inch (pressure unit)
psia pounds per square inch absolute (pressure unit)
psig pounds per square inch gage (pressure unit)
R Radius
rad radian (angle)
RAM Random Access Memory
Remote Mount Option Detaching the transmitter electronics enclosure and base electronics enclosure
from me
ter body and mounting and affixing them with the mounting bracket to a
pole or other structure.
RTS Request-to-Send; the RS-232C handshaking signal output by a receiver when it is
ady to receive data
RTU MODBUS A Modbus protocol framing format in which elapsed time between received charac-
ters is used to separate messages. RTU stands for Remote Terminal Unit.
s second (time unit, metric)
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
sec second (time unit, U.S. Customary)
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
time_t seconds since Epoch (00:00:00 UTC Jan. 1, 1970) (time unit)
UDP User Datagram Protocol
U.L. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. - product safety testing
and certification organization
V volts (electric potential unit)
W watts (power unit)
Table 1-1 Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions
Acronym or abbreviation Definition