6 Daniel MeterLink software
Section 1: Introduction Daniel 3812 Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meter Installation Manual
March 2013 3-9000-765 Rev D
1.4 Daniel MeterLink software
Daniel MeterLink
software has robust features for setting communications parameters,
calibrating your meter, collecting logs and reports and monitoring the meter health and alarm
statuses. Daniel MeterLink may be downloaded at no charge from:
Figure 1-1 Daniel MeterLink do
wnload and registration
1. From the right panel under Quick Links, click the M
eterLink Registration and Download
2. Click the Or
der Now button to complete the Online registration form.
3. Click Ne
xt to go to the order confirmation page.
4. Click Co
mplete Order.
You will receive a conformation email with a h
yperlink directing you to the download
site. Click the link provided.
5. Click Sa
Refer to the Dani
el MeterLink Software for Gas and Liquid Ultrasonic Meters Quick Start Manual
(P/N 3-9000-763) for installation instructions and
setup for initial communications. You may
download the manual from the Daniel MeterLink web page: