
Codes and abbreviations used in display menus (continued)Table A-3:
Code or abbrevi-
ation Definition Comment or reference
MSMT Measurement
OFFLN Off-line
OFF-LINE MAINT Off-line maintenance
P/UNT Pulses/unit
POLAR Polarity
PRESS Pressure
QUAD Quadrature
r. Revision
SCALE Scaling method
SIM Simulation Used for loop testing, not simulation
mode. Simulation mode is not accessi-
ble via the display.
SPECL Special
SRC Source Variable assignment
TEMP, TEMPR Temperature
UNT/P Units/pulse
VAR 1 Display Variable 1
VER Version
VERFY Verify
VFLOW Volume flow
VOL Volume, volume flow
WRPRO Write protect
XMTR Transmitter
Using the standard transmitter display
228 Micro Motion
Model 1700 Transmitters with Analog Outputs